Sunday, 9 January 2011

The journey continues. Pt 5

How is it going out the moment? I'm totally knackered. Balancing this project with the other one at this stage and both unfinished is quite hard. I'm leaning towards the other as it affects other people (group), and this one only affects me.. Hopefully this won't affect me too badly..

I hope I'll be okay..

Once I had enough with that, I began to look at the bubble like extrusions on the leg. Characteristics of grasshopper legs, cockroach legs in high detail. Infact, quite a few insects / creepy crawlies share this same anatomy plan for their limbs.

Began working in more detail into the leg.

So, as you can see, that's currently how many faces the model had at this point in time. Far too much? Yes, because you know, and as I know now, you'll want to tweak it later on if it's a shoddy model early in development.
Anyways, fast-forward. I began to work some detail into the leg, as the subdivisions on the model was too low for any detail. So I worked into it, creating very subtle muscle definition on the leg. (This was a bad idea as I know now...)
Ass you can see (get it? D:) for some strange reason the face on the rear has a clearly definitive outline, how? Why? I have no idea, and no body I asked or google knew. Most likely it was probably because I didn't explain it properly.. Looks like it'll be staying like this for now, or until I can get this changed.

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